Please read carefully
All services/products provided by Infinitum Technology Co., Limited (Internet Solutions HK, ISHK, may only be used for lawful purposes. The transmission, storage or presentation of any information, data or materials in violation of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China is prohibited. Our acceptable use policy is actively and strictly enforced. Violating content or users will generally be excluded from our network as soon as they are discovered.
We have ZERO tolerance for scams or any material we consider illegal.
Examples of unacceptable material include, but are not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening material, pornography, sexually explicit or hardcore images, racial discrimination, material protected by trade secrets, material related to terrorism, sale of legal or illegal pharmaceutical products, human reproductive technology (sex selection services), financial services without an appropriate license, material directed against a country, region, religion, race, etc. As well as the distribution of or links to pirated software, illegal MP3s, illegal videos, video, music or file sharing sites, hacking or phising programs, scripts or instructions, SPAMming software, online gambling portals, anything that may cause extremely high usage of CPU or RAM, etc.
We reserve the right to ask for a copy of ID or Passport to verify that the online payment is authorized by the rightful owner of the Credit Card or PayPal account. If you can't provide these information on time, we will not process your order.
Automatic payments only work if you chose Credit Card or PayPal Subscription as default payment method. If you have an active service, our system will attempt to automatically deduct the fee on the due date of the unpaid invoice. If you prefer manual payments please choose another method like Wire Transfer, Alipay or Wechat. Moreover, if you do not wish to renew a service please cancel the service before the renewal date. This can be done from inside your Client Area or by contacting our support team.
All Domain names are not refundable after successful registration or renewal. All domains belong to the person who paid for it. Upon client's request, we will provide any active domain's transfer code within 2 business days. We will not at any moment retain or block any transfer-out process.
A client may not use any email address provided by or in connection with for any unsolicited email activity, including but not limited to SPAM, flames, mail bombs, newsletters, unsolicited mass mailing, etc.
You are solely responsible for your account's maintenance and security. We can't guarantee your web hosting account's security if you use third party or open source code.
Inode definition: An inode is a data structure used to keep information about a file on your hosting account. The number of inodes indicates the number of files and folders you have. This includes everything on your account, emails, files, folders, anything you store on the server.
Shared Hosting Accounts: We only allow 100,000 inodes per cPanel account, because that is where we see optimal server performance. We do understand that not all of our customers can reduce their file count that far; for this reason this is a "soft limit" meaning that while the limit is reached, you will still be able to upload files, but we will disable any backup retention service (free or paid). Once the account exceeds 150,000 inodes then it will be in violation of our Terms of Service and will result in account suspension.
VPS accounts: VPS accounts do not have any inodes limitation.
Violations of the Rules and Regulations of can result in a warning, suspension or cancellation/termination of your account. Accounts terminated due to policy violations will not be refunded. Free domains which have been granted for customers with annual plans will be released to the customer at the end of their hosting contract.
Free services, products or addons, including but not limited to website migrations, trial accounts, backups, cPanel emails and SSL certificates are provided "as is" with no express or implied warranty.
Infinitum Technology shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental and consequential damages, which may arise from Infinitum Technology servers going off-line or being unavailable for any reason whatsoever. Furthermore, Infinitum Technology shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from the corruption or deletion of any web site from one of Infinitum Technology servers. All damages shall be limited to the immediate termination of service.
The subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Infinitum Technology and its employees from any claims resulting from the use of the service which damages the subscriber or any other party. Subscriber acknowledges that the service provided is of such a nature that service can be interrupted for many reasons other than the negligence of the company and that damages resulting from any interruption of service are difficult to ascertain. Therefore, subscriber agrees that the company shall not be liable for any damages arising from such causes beyond the direct and exclusive control of the company.
Subscriber further acknowledges that the company's liability for its own negligence may not in any event exceed an amount equivalent to charges payable by subscriber for services during the period damages occurred. In no event shall the company be liable for any special or consequential damages, loss or injury.
Infinitum Technology cannot be held liable for system downtime, crashes, DDoS attacks or data loss. We cannot be held liable for any predicted estimate of profits in which a client would have gained if their site was functioning. Certain services provided by Infinitum Technology are resold. Thus, certain equipment, routing, software, and progRAMming used by Infinitum Technology are not directly owned or written by Infinitum Technology. Moreover, Infinitum Technology holds no responsibility for the use of our clients accounts. If any terms or conditions are failed to be followed, the account in question will be automatically deactivated. We reserve the right to remove any account without advanced notice for any reason without restitution as Infinitum Technology sees fit. Furthermore, Infinitum Technology retains the right to change any or all of the above Policies, Guidelines and Disclaimer without notification.