Get the domain you always wanted

With your domain, you own an exclusive piece of digital real estate that cannot be used by anyone else as long as it is registered to you.

DNS Management

Free lifetime DNS service that allows you to manage your DNS records on our globally distributed and highly redundant DNS infrastructure.

Domain Theft Protection

Protect your domain from accidental transfer or without your consent with our free domain theft protection and WHOIS privacy protection.

Domain Forwarding

Point your domain name to another website for free! Redirect users when they type your domain name (with/without domain masking & SEO).

International and Asian TLDs

Domains Transfer / Renewal Price Privacy Protection
$15USD /year

Renewal Price $15USD /year

$15USD /year

Renewal Price $15USD /year

$20USD /year

Renewal Price $20USD /year

$50USD /year

Renewal Price $50USD /year
$50USD /year

Renewal Price $50USD /year

Frequently asked questions

On average, it takes 5 working days to complete the registration of a Chinese domain after we have received your payment and a scanned copy of your valid passport.

A .CN domain name can be Registered for 1 to 10 years.

.CN domain names can only contain alphabets a to z, numbers 1 to 9 and hyphens. However, domain names cannot have two hyphens in third place.

The minimum length permitted is 3 characters while the maximum length is 63 characters (excluding the .CN extension).

There is no country-specific requirement for registering a .CN domain name. However, the following supporting documents need to be provided to complete the registration process:

For Individuals

Registrant ID for Registrants belonging to China: ID Card / Residence Booklet / Driving License / Passport

Registrant ID for Foreign/Overseas Registrants (not belonging to China): Passport

For Organizations

Registrant ID: Passport

Business Certificate: Organization Code Certificate / Enterprise Business Certificate / Certificate of Public Institution or Organization with Legal Person status

After receiving your payment and copy of Hong Kong government-issued ID or Hong Kong Business Registration documents (BR and CI) it takes about 24-48 hours to complete the Hong Kong domain registration.

We also offer a Domain Trustee Service. “Domain Trustee Services” means service partner refers to the commissioned agent to apply domain on behalf; In other words, the domain registrant name will display the name of the agent when the customer queries the domain WHOIS information. Nevertheless, the service partner owns the right to use and manage that domain. (“Domain Trustee Services” only applies to and .公司.香港 domain name.)

  • The domain name registration is on a locked status.
  • The domain name has been registered for less than 60 days.
  • The Administrative Contact rejects or does not respond to the domain name transfer request within 5 days.
  • The Administrative Contact's email is not valid or accurate.
  • The domain name has expired.
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