How do I cancel my Paypal subscription? Print

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How do I view, modify, or cancel my pre-approved payments?

“Pre-approved payment” allows you to authorize a merchant to charge funds from your PayPal account based on the cycles or schedules you’ve agreed with your merchants.

To view, modify, or cancel your pre-approved payments, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Business Profile icon beside Log Out.
  3. Click Profile and settings.
  4. Click Financial information.
  5. Click Update in the My pre-approved payments section.
  6. Select the merchant’s name whose payment you want to view, modify, or cancel.
  7. Follow further instructions on the page.

Note: If you want to change a credit card for pre-approved payment, you need to have at least two cards registered in your PayPal account.

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