Tag: security

  • Fake Emails – Beware

    Unfortunately, fake emails are increasing in popularity and are now more and more sophisticated. We will show you the top 2 types of emails you must be aware of to protect yourself against fraud. Type 1: The email message with a file attached This is the most dangerous type because if you download this file,…

  • What To Do If WordPress Gets Hacked

    WordPress is an extremely popular web platform, and because of its popularity, it is often the target of hackers looking to “take over” pieces of your site for their own benefit. Hackers like to maximize the effectiveness of their work, so they’ll often target widely installed plugins or themes with known security vulnerabilities. In most…

  • Online Security: Web Hosting Top Priority

    To host thousands of websites is no easy task. We, Internet Solutions HK, keep all servers updated with the latest technology on online security in order to maintain your website safe. However, you as client also need to help protect your website. Please follow these recommendations: 1. Always use STRONG passwords. 2. Update your passwords…

  • How to Scan Website for Virus

    Cyber Security is very important and an extremely High Threat these years. That is why we have to scan regularly your website’s files for viruses and malware. Our CPANEL offers a tool for this purpose. It is called ClamAV. Login to your CPANEL and find the following icon under Advanced: Click on Virus Scanner. Then…